SVELAV Pro 3 – CAA ITP Operations Level 2 Nordic edition
Internationellt erkänd utbildning för yrkesmässig hantering av lavinrisk. Utbildningen genomförs tillsammans med Canadian Avalanche Association och är en nordiskt anpassad version av internationellt erkända CAA ITP Operations Level 2.
8+ 6 dagar. Inkluderar ett flertal examensprov.
Från Canadian Avalanche Association:
The CAA Avalanche Operations Level 2 program is an advanced program for people who work full time with avalanche safety and control operations. Participants must have at least 100 days of work experience recording and collecting weather, snowpack, and avalanche activity observations before applying. This requires at least two full-time seasons of active operational experience as a team member, ideally working under the mentorship of CAA Professional Members. As a team member, you are involved with daily operational meetings and participating in operational activities involving anticipating and forecasting avalanche risk.
As of Fall 2020, the Level 2 program is divided into two components; a course and an assessment. Each component includes a significant amount of pre-readings, questions, and recommended activities to be completed before the course begins. Click on this link for details on the new delivery.
The Avalanche Operations Level 2 Course takes place over 8 days and includes a blend of classroom (50%) and field-based learning (50%). It focusses on personal performance, team building, communication, advanced snow science concepts, and operational decision-making & risk management.
The Avalanche Operations Level 2 Assessment is a 6-day field course where students’ skills and competency, in both technical knowledge and practical application of Level 2 concepts, are evaluated.
An Avalanche Operations Level 2 certificate is granted to students who successfully complete the Assessment.